11 November 2005

In Honor of Our Veterans, Past and Present (Part 3)

If here today the cloud of thunder lours
Tomorrow it will hie on far behests;
The flesh will grieve on other bones than ours
Soon, and the soul will mourn in other breasts.

The troubles of our proud and angry dust
Are from eternity, and shall not fail.
Bear them we can, and if we can we must.
Shoulder the sky, my lad, and drink your ale.

- A.E. Housman

* * *

This is the last day of the Valour-IT blogger fundraising competition. As a member of the Marine Valour-IT blogging team, I would like to thank all of you for your generous support.

If you haven't donated yet, there's still time: Just click on the PayPal button here. Thank you!

Thanks also to Michele Malkin for her support of Soldiers' Angels and Valour-IT.

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